Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Zombies, Cats and Heroes Giveaway

Starting today, September 23, through Saturday, September 27, 2014, I'm giving away my post-apocalyptic novel, Zombies, Cats and Heroes.  Please feel free to grab yourself a copy, share the link with your friends and read it to your cats.

The book is the cat-lover's version of survival in a dangerous new world.  Get your copy here.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Fear: Biography of a Black Cat

Fear Cover

For the last couple of days, I have made my newest short story available as a free download on my Kindle site. It is Hedge's biography and I thought it was a story worth telling. It seems that at least two of the people who read it, thought so, too. They posted very nice reviews of the story. It is still available for free until tomorrow, August 13, 2014. Feel free to get a copy for yourself and share with your friends. Hedge is a wonderful creature and I am happy to be able to share his story this way. Here is a link to the Kindle store where you can download the story: The Fear

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Free Story

Bastet Cover

This is the cover for one of the short stories I have available for sale on Amazon.com. Today, August, 1, 2014 through August 5th, 2014 the story can be downloaded for free. It's in the Kindle store, but if you don't have a handheld Kindle reader, you can download the free reader app from Amazon for whatever device you might be running. Here is a link to the Amazon page for the story: Bastet